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LOT 152 The tea table in the Ming dynasty is painted with gold,

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Early autumn Asian Antique & Art, Painting

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明代 大漆彩绘描金螺钿镶嵌仕女纹饰茶几:拍品尺寸:茶几高度:32cm, 最大宽度:92.5cm。拍品来源:北美蒙特利尔资深藏家旧藏。备注: 此香几为木胎漆器, 黑漆描金,镶嵌螺钿之仕女人物纹饰。几面呈圆形,束腰,壸门式牙板,四足,为明代典型圆香几的造型。通体髹漆,几面整体为多组螺钿镶嵌仕宋-元仕女人物故事图案,牙条绘云纹。整体造型自然优美,线条自然流畅,装饰色彩明丽,纤秾合度,极富美感,为难得的明代人物故事的螺钿镶嵌图案漆器家具尚品。古代香几多居中而陈,无依无傍,面面宜人观赏,从图中可看到古代贵族日常生活中香烟缭绕的景象,显示了古人对绝俗优雅的生活情趣的追求。桌面多个图中,可以欣赏三五成群的仕女,或下棋、或抚琴、读书、吟诗、作画,或歌舞等种种行乐活动。仕女人物镶嵌精细,山石皴理、竹影婆娑,皆以各色螺钿作出向阳或背阴之光影效果,连仕女手抱琵琶之态都栩栩如生,历历可数。 参考资料: 最早有关明代宫廷螺钿器用的记载是明孝宗弘治年间的一把黑漆琴。该琴腹的池内有三行墨笔楷书:「大明弘治十一年,岁次戊午,奉旨命鸿胪寺右丞万胫中、制琴人惠祥制于武英殿,命司礼太监载义、御用监太监刘孝、潘德督造。」 现藏美国弗吉尼亚美术馆的一幅《大明宣德公主像真迹》,画中宣德公主所坐圈背交椅的扶手出头应为镶嵌螺钿梅花,时代经推算可能为成化六年(一四七〇年)左右。 据《明史 • 公主传》记载,宣德皇帝有二女,一为顺德公主,正统二年(一四三七年)下嫁石璟,薨年不详。另为常德公主,章皇后生,正统五年(一四四〇年)下嫁薛桓,成化六年(一四七〇年)薨。若后者在下嫁时为十五岁,则薨年应约为四十五岁,接近此《真迹》中的中年妇人样貌,故此推测明代内府至迟到了十五世纪下半叶才突破明太祖的禁奢令,开始螺钿器用之兴造。 另一幅上海博物馆所藏断代为明代中晚期的《金盆捞月图》,画中宫妇双手伸入水盆中「金盆捞月」,一旁有一张黑漆桌子,桌面四沿及腿足下的托泥为梅花与其他瓣叶相间的螺钿镶嵌,其桌沿、束腰,乃至层层卷云雕刻的牙条中,可见多样而密布的团花嵌饰,或可反映螺钿纹饰有踵事增华之势,但均以单色漆作为主。--------------------------------------------------- The tea table in the Ming dynasty is painted with gold, mother-of-pearl and inlaid with beautiful women's decorations: Size: 32cm, maximum width: 92.5cm. Source: Montreal, North America veteran collector of old collection. Note: this incense is lacquer with wood foils, black lacquer gold, inlaid with mother-of-pearl. It has a round shape, a corset waist, a mouth plate, and four feet. A whole body painting with several groups of mother-of-pearl inlaid with song - yuan figures and moire of teeth. The overall shape is natural and beautiful, the lines are natural and smooth, the decoration color is bright and beautiful, the fiber nong fits degree, extremely rich aesthetic feeling, for rare Ming dynasty figure story of mother-of-pearl inlaid pattern lacquer furniture is still product. In ancient times, the incense was mostly in the middle and old, without any dependence or siding, so it was pleasant to watch from all sides. From the picture, you can see the scene of cigarette smoke in the daily life of the ancient aristocracy, which showed the ancient people's pursuit of extremely vulgar and elegant life interest. Desktop multiple pictures, you can enjoy groups of ladies, or playing chess, or playing the piano, reading, poetry, painting, or singing and dancing and other recreational activities. The figures inlaid fine, chun stone, bamboo shadow dance, are made by colored luotian xiangyang or shade shadow effect, even the hands of women lute state are lifelike, countable. Reference: the earliest record about the use of mother-of-pearl in the Ming court is a black lacquer qin from the reign of emperor hongzhi of the Ming dynasty. The stomach of the qin pool has three lines of ink in regular script: "hongzhi da Ming eleven years, year wuwu wu wu, on the decree of honglu temple right cheng million shin-zhong, huixiang qin people system in the hall of martial valor, ordered the eunuch bearing righteousness, imperial eunuch liu xiao, pan DE supervision. Currently, it is an authentic painting of princess xuande of the great Ming dynasty in the museum of Virginia. In the painting, the armrest of princess xuande sitting on the back of the chair should be inlaid with mother of pearl and plum blossom. The date is estimated to be around the 6th year of chenghua (1470). According to the biography of princess of the Ming dynasty, emperor xuande had two female directors, one of whom was princess shunde, who married shi jing in the orthodox two years (1437), while the other two years were unknown. In addition, princess changde, empress zhang, was born after the death of xue huan in the following five years (1440) and the death of chenghua in the sixth year (1470). If the latter is 15 years old when he is married, then the age of mourning is about 45 years old, which is close to the middle-aged woman in the true work. Therefore, it is speculated that the imperial palace in the Ming dynasty did not break through the prohibition of extravagance of the Ming taizu until the second half of the 15th century, and began to create with the use of mother-of-pearl. Another date for the Shanghai museum is hidden in the Ming dynasty middle-late catch lightning closed graph, picture in palace woman hands into a water catch lightning "escape", one side, there is a black lacquer table desktop tallied, four legs first step of mud for the plum blossom with other disc leaves and white mother-of-pearl inlay, its table along, waist, and layers of cirrus article carved teeth, the sees of diverse and densely embedded adorn, or can reflect important grain has the potential of take over and carry forward, but as the main in monochrome paint



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