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LOT 0046 An Impressive Large Gilt-Copper and Cloisonné Caparisoned E

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Asian Art

Waddington's Auctioneers & Appraisers




Translation provided by Youdao



An Impressive Large Gilt-Copper and Cloisonné Caparisoned Elephant and Stand, Qianlong-Jiaqing Period (1736-1820)清 乾隆/嘉庆(1736-1820) 鎏金铜胎掐丝珐琅嵌宝'太平有象'摆件The sculpture constructed as a representation of 'taiping youxiang' 太平有象, or 'peaceful times'; the elephant cast and gilded with a foundation fine ridges to simulate wrinkled hide, embellished overtop with ornamental trappings lined with cabouchons. The elephant's back is draped with a cloisonné blanket picturing white and red-hued peonies, and the saddle is surmounted by double-lotus supporting a champlevé enamel baluster vase with loose ring handles. From the vase, precious objects are issued such as coral, as well as a large white jade roundel depicting the God of Longevity, Shoulao, accompanied by a crane and attendant surrounded by flowering trees and rockery, inlaid using agates, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, malachite, and other semi-precious stones. The base is formed from a gilt-copper base similarly decorated using champlevé and cloisonné enamel techniques, further embellished with coloured cabochons; the elephant and vase cast as one single piece, the base cast separately, and the jade plaque, pieces of coral, and leaf fitted with long metal prongs to fit into the vase;jade plaque diameter 8.5 in (21.7 cm), base stand 9.6 x 19.7 x 11.8 in (24.5 x 50 x 30 cm)画珐琅工艺起源于康熙年间,用珐琅料直接涂画在金属等胎体上,经过烧制后使珐琅画面固定于器物表面,形成优美绚丽的装饰效果。乾隆时期内廷大批烧造画珐琅器物。据记载,乾隆三十七年有稍早瓷象驮宝瓶制作木样的记录,很有可能为此类器物制作的起始。此象为清中期宫廷陈设品,通常陈设于大殿内两侧堂陛之上,寓意吉利。象俯首而立,长鼻微卷,体态高大,神态生动。工艺方面,整尊将玉器,珐琅器与金属器三种制作工艺相结合。象身为通体鎏金錾花,饰以翡翠,碧玺等珠宝。宝瓶,鞍鞯用珐琅烧蓝装饰,珐琅鲜明艳丽。底座则使用垒丝工艺。皇宫大殿作为清代宫廷与政治生活中至关重要的地方,殿上陈设器仅为皇帝于大殿内专用,亦可称为国之宝器,任何人均不可僭越使用。如所述:'象驮宝瓶'是所有殿上陈设品中唯一不具有实用性,仅以陈设和象征意义二陈列之物,故其重要性也远远超出许多实用器'。安置于顶部的玉牌或为晚清,民国时期所添加。巧妙运用各类珍稀宝石,如南红玛瑙,白玉,碧玺,翡翠等,描绘一幅'童子寿老'寓意美好的画面。, overall including jade plaque and stand height 44 in — 111.8 cmProvenance:A Private Toronto Estate.Previously part of a collection from Chedington-on-the-Lake, a large English Tudor manor house in Roches Point, Lake Simcoe, Ontario.多伦多私人遗产珍藏曾属位于安大略省锡姆科湖罗切斯岬的大型英国都铎王朝式庄园Chedington-on-the-Lake的收藏品的一部分Note:A potential pair to the current lot was sold at Sotheby's London, May 15, 2007, lot 107.Compare with similar examples sold at Sotheby's London, November 6, 2019, lot 117; and Christie's Hong Kong, May 29, 2012, lot 3907.A very similar example can be found at the Shenyang (Mukden) Palace Museum, China, accession number 00119412, dated to the era of the Jiaqing Emperor (1796-1820). This example is illustrated in "The Prime Cultural Relics Collected by Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum: The Enamel Volume", p.99, no.8.高度疑似与此件原配为一对的另外一件曾在伦敦苏富比2007年5月15日售出,拍品编号107;类似清中期铜胎掐丝珐琅宝象请参考伦敦苏富比2019年11月6日,拍品编号117;香港佳士得2012年5月29日,拍品编号3907;另可参考沈阳故宫博物院馆藏清乾隆'掐丝珐琅象驮宝瓶',图录于,2007年,沈阳,第99页For further information on the history of cloisonné in China, please see our blog "The Art of Cloisonné".Due to significant interest in this lot, further information may be requested; please contact in order to participate in bidding for this lot.参与竞标此件拍品需要您联系asianart@waddingtons.ca进行特别注册Estimate: $30,000—50,000



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