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LOT 0803 东周 公元前五世纪前后 青铜错金戟

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Translation provided by Youdao




著录:出版 张光裕、曹锦炎等编, 《东周鸟篆文字编》, 台北, 1994年, 页33, 编号122 刘彬徽及刘长武, 《楚系金文汇编》, 武汉, 2009年, 页23, 编号94, 以及页383, 图版94 蓝理捷, 《Ancient Chinese Bronzes》, 纽约, 2011年, 编号24 吴镇烽编, 《商周青铜器铭文暨图像集成-卷31-兵器:戈、戟》, 上海, 2012年, 页341-342, 编号16848 曹锦炎编, 《鸟虫书通考》, 上海, 2014年, 页397, 编号42, 以及页399, 图版 319 展开 拍品描述:展览 纽约, 蓝理捷, 「Ancient Chinese Bronzes」, 2011年3月19-4月9日 来源 私人珍藏, 日本 壶中居, 东京, 1995年已入藏 蓝理捷, 纽约, 编号4081 The gold-inlaid inscription in bird script may be read as, Wang Sun Ming zhi yong ji (ji for the use of Wang Sun Ming). The name Wang Sun Ming is cited in Shang Zhou qingtongqi mingwen xuan (Selected Bronze Inscriptions from the Shang and Zhou), vol. 4, Beijing, 1990, p. 428, footnote no. 1, as being a person from the state of Chu. According to Zhang Han in Study on Gold Inlaid Bird Script Bronze Ge Daggers Unearthed from Wanrong, Wenwu, 1962, nos. 4-5, pp. 35-36, this very decorative style of script is first seen on bronze weapons made in Southern China during the late Spring and Autumn period. A set of three bronze daggers, comprised of a ji similar to the present example and two ge, was unearthed in 1978 from the tomb of the Marquis Yi of Zeng (c. 433-300 BC) in Leigudun, Suizhou, Hubei province, and is now in the Hubei Provincial Museum. Like the present ji, the three daggers are each inlaid in gold with an inscription in bird script reading, ‘Halberd for the use of Maquis Yi of Zeng’. The set is illustrated Zeng Hou Yi mu (Tomb of Marquis Yi of State Zeng), vols. I-II, Beijing, 1989, p. 267, no. 157 in. vol. I and pl. XCI in vol. II, and again in Zhongguo qingtongqi quanji: Dong Zhou, IV (Compendium of Chinese Bronzes: Easter Zhou, IV) vol. 10, Beijing, 1998, no. 170, with a description on p. 58. The set was published again recently by Fan J. Zhang and Jay Xu (eds.) in Phoenix Kingdoms: The Last Splender of China’s Bronze Age, Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, 2022, p. 155, no. 86, where a reconstruction of the weapon is also illustrated. As noted by Haicheng Wang in his entry for the set, the three blades were originally mounted perpendicular to the eight-foot-long shaft of a spear. The one at top has a tang that extends through the shaft… The three blades were set in slots cut into the shaft and tied in place through slits in their long back edges… To avoid breakage, the shaft was made of a wooden core covered by bamboo strips and then wrapped with leather or rattan straps. It was further coated with lacquer and adorned with a horn fitting at its bottom. 展开




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