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Home > Auction >  Asian Art I + II, Netsuke, Inrô and Sagemono from European Collections >  Lot.502 Stele eines Uma Maheshvara. Schwarzer Stein. Nordost-Indien, Bengalen, Bihar. 11./12. Jh.Der

LOT 502 Stele eines Uma Maheshvara. Schwarzer Stein. Nordost-Indien, Bengalen, Bihar. 11./12. Jh.Der

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Asian Art I + II, Netsuke, Inrô and Sagemono from European Collections





Translation provided by Youdao



Stele eines Uma Maheshvara. Schwarzer Stein. Nordost-Indien, Bengalen, Bihar. 11./12. Jh.Der vierarmige Shiva sitzt in lalitasana auf einem niedrigen doppelten Lotos, das herabhängende Bein ruht auf dem Stier Nandi, seinen linken Arm legt er um seine Gattin Uma, die auf seinem Schenkel sitzt und eine Lotosblüte hält. In seinen Nebenhänden Dreizack und Schädelschale, Umas herabhängendes Bein ruht auf einem Löwen. Die prabha geschmückt mit zwei himmlischen Wesen (vidyadhara). H 64 cmProvenienzPrivatsammlung, DüsseldorfA Bihar black stone stele of Uma Maheshvara. Northeastern India. 11th/12th centuryThe four-armed Shiva sits in lalitasana on a double lotus throne, his pendant leg resting on the bull Nandi, his left arm placed around his wife Uma sitting on his thigh and holding a lotus flower, her pendant leg resting on a lion, Shiva's secondary hands holding trisula and kapala, the otherwise undecorated prabha with two vidyadhara. Height 64 cmProvenancePrivate collection, Düsseldorf, Germany



Neumarkt 3 Köln 50667 Germany

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