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LOT 10 A pair of fine lavender-glazed bowls, Marks and period of Yo...

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Celestial Colors. The Cadle Family Collection of Chinese Monochromes





Translation provided by Youdao



A pair of fine lavender-glazed bowlsMarks and period of Yongzheng清雍正 天藍釉盌一對 《大清雍正年製》款the base of each with a six-character mark in underglaze blue within a double circle (2)Diameter 4¾ in., 11.9 cm Both in overall good condition with minute firing imperfections, including a small glaze inclusion to the interior of one, and slight irregularities in the potting.兩件均整體品相良好。見正常輕微窰燒瑕疵,如一盌內底釉面見一微小瑕斑。For more information on and additional videos for this lot, please contact serina.wei@sothebys.comIn response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective qualified opinion.NOTWITHSTANDING THIS REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING CONDITION OF A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD "AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF SALE PRINTED IN THE CATALOGUE.C.T. Loo, Paris, 1960s (by repute).Collection of Dorothy Hart Hirshon (1908-1998). J.J. Lally & Co., New York, 1987. 盧芹齋,巴黎,1960年代 (傳) Dorothy Hart Hirshon (1908-1998) 收藏 藍理捷,紐約,1987年Bowls of this elegant form and luminous clair-de-lune glaze are an example of the diverse monochrome glazes developed during the early Qing period. This high-fired glaze, with a cobalt content of about 1%, was first produced by the imperial kilns in Jingdezhen during the latter years of the Kangxi Emperor's reign. Known in the West by the 19th-century French connoisseurs' term clair-de-lune ('moon light'), and in China as tianlan ('sky blue'), and sometimes to a slightly darker tone described as 'lavender', it was one of the most successful monochrome glazes created in Jingdezhen and was reserved exclusively for imperial porcelains.A pair of Yongzheng mark and period bowls covered overall in a clair-de-lune glaze was included as lot 29 in the February 1915 Yamanaka catalogue of Rare and Beautiful Oriental Art Treasures of Supreme Quality, described as having 'a pure and brilliant "clair-de-lune" monochrome of lustrous gray-lilac hue – an exquisite variety of the moonlight glaze'. Another pair was included in the exhibition Chinese Porcelain in the S.C. Ko Tianminlou Collection, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1987, cat. no. 148. See also pairs illustrated in Jan Wirgin, Chinese Ceramics from the Axel and Nora Lundgren Bequest, Stockholm, 1978, pl. 57a, no. 75; Qing Porcelain and Works of Art, Osaka City Museum, Osaka, 1994, cat. no. 111 and from the Zhuyuetang Collection, included in the exhibition A Millennium of Monochromes, from the Great Tang to the High Qing, Fondation Baur, Geneva, 2018, cat. nos 87a-b. A pair from the Sir Joseph E. Hotung Family trust was exhibited in Recent Acquisitions, S. Marchant & Son, London, 2002, cat. no. 17, and another single example, formerly in the collection of H.R.N. Norton was included in Imperial Chinese Porcelain, Ceramics & Works of Art, Marchant, London, 2013, cat. no. 26.For examples sold at auction, see a pair from the E.T. Hall Collection, sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 2nd May 2000, lot 529; and a single bowl from the Junkunc Collection, acquired at Parke Bernet, New York, 27th November 1941, lot 561 and later sold at Christie's New York, 21st September 1995, lot 248 and in our Hong Kong rooms, 10th July 2020, lot 3106. Compare also another from the Buckingham Collection, deaccessioned by the Art Institute of Chicago and sold at Christie's New York, 12th September 2019, lot 745.The present pair of bowls was previously in the collection of Dorothy Hart Hirshon, a New York socialite and philanthropist. Frequently photographed and written about during her glittering earlier marriages to John Randolph Hearst, son of William Randolph Hearst, and William S. Paley, she married Walter Hirshon, a stockbroker, in 1953. After their divorce in 1961, she became increasingly involved in educational and philanthropic endeavors. She was sketched by Matisse, photographed by Cecil Beaton and Horst, listed as one of the world's best-dressed women and featured in Vogue and Harper's Bazaar. A single-owner auction of her estate was held in these rooms, 26th September 1998. 本對天藍釉盌,釉色純淨,器形幽雅,屬清初各類單色釉品當中精絕之作。天藍釉以鈷為呈色劑,高溫燒製,首創於康熙末年。西方稱其為 「clair-de-lune」(取月色之意),中國稱其為天藍釉,冠絕於世,御瓷之獨享。 可參考一對雍正天藍釉盌例,見於山中商會1915年2月的拍賣圖錄,編號29,圖錄描述其為「純淨亮麗的『天藍』單色釉—這種光潤的丁香灰色是天藍釉中的極致色調」。另一對近例錄於《天民樓藏瓷》展覽,香港藝術館,香港,1987年,編號148。再可見Jan Wirgin《Chinese Ceramics from the Axel and Nora Lundgren Bequest》,斯德哥爾摩,1978年,圖版57a,編號75;《Qing Porcelain and Works of Art》展覽,大阪市立博物館,大阪,1994年,編號111;以及《千載霓霞:鮑氏東方藝術館及竹月堂藏唐至清一道釉》展覽中的竹月堂藏例,鮑氏基金會,日內瓦,2018年,編號87a至87b。亦見一對例,出自何東爵士家族信託,展於《近期入藏》,馬錢特,倫敦,2002年,編號17;另見一單例,H.R.N. Norton 舊藏,錄《中國官窰陶瓷及工藝品》,馬錢特,倫敦,2013年,編號26。另可見數拍賣例,包括一對曾為 E.T. Hall 舊藏,售於2000年5月2日,香港蘇富比 E.T. Hall 教授收藏,編號529;一單例曾屬瓊肯珍藏, 1941年11月27日購自Parke Bernet Galleries,編號561,後於1995年9月21日售於紐約佳士得,編號248及香港蘇富比2020年7月10日,編號3106。另可參考白金漢收藏單件天藍釉盌例,為芝加哥藝術博物館舊藏,2019年9月12日售於紐約佳士得,編號745。本品為紐約名媛兼慈善家Dorothy Hart Hirshon舊藏。Hirshon早年兩段婚姻曾轟動一時,使她聲名大噪。她先後嫁給美國報業大王威廉•倫道夫•赫斯特之子約翰•倫道夫•赫斯特,以及美國廣播界別巨頭威廉•佩利,隨後在1953年與證券經紀Walter Hirshon結婚,1961年離婚。此後,她開始積極投入教育及慈善事業。赫申是眾多藝術家的繆斯──馬蒂斯為她繪畫素描,Cecil Beaton和Horst P. Horst曾為她拍攝肖像。她更被時尚雜誌《Vogue》和《時尚芭莎》選為全球穿搭最佳的女性之一。紐約蘇富比在1998年9月26日曾為Dorthy的私人收藏舉行專拍。



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