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Zhao Zuo 1560 - 1643 趙左 | Landscape 山林小屋

LOT 2501 Zhao Zuo
Zhao Zuo 1560 - 1643 趙左 | Landscape 山林小屋

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Painting and calligraphy fan leaves from the Yee-Ming Kuo Collection, Lot 2501-2521Zhao Zuo 1560 - 1643Landscapeink and colour on gold paper, fan leafsigned Zhao Zuo, dated wuwu (1618) and with two seals of the artistwith two collector’s seals of Yee-Ming Kuo (1883-1974)19 x 56 cm. 7½ x 22 in.----------------------------------------------郭彝民收藏明清書畫扇面 拍品編號2501-2521趙左 1560 - 1643山林小屋設色金箋 扇面款識:戊午(1618)夏初畫,趙左。鈐印:文度、趙左鑑藏印:(郭彝民)則生藏扇、郭則生拍卖专文: Yee Kuo (1883-1974), courtesy name Yee-ming (Yimin) and sobriquet Tse-sheng (Zesheng), was born in Changchun, Jilin province. Kuo graduated from the Imperial University in Tokyo. Later, he became the Consul General of China in Yokohama, and he served as Consul General in Taipei from 1934 until war broke out in 1937. In 1947, he served as a special committee member in Japan, and the following year, he became the deputy chief of the Overseas Chinese Office of the Delegation in Japan. After the Chinese Civil War, he retired from the diplomatic service and settled in Japan, where he stayed until he moved to the United States to be with family in the 1970s. He passed away not long thereafter.Yee-ming Kuo was an accomplished poet with a deep appreciation for culture. In his 70s, after he retired, he published Selected Poems from Sojourns in the East (Liudong shicun). His copy is now held in the University of Michigan Library. Yee-ming Kuo spoke fluent Japanese, and he had many friends in Japanese high society. He was also very active in the art world. He purchased many of these works of Chinese painting and calligraphy from prominent local collectors such as the Lin Family in Taiwan and Chokaido in Japan, bringing a wide range of styles and schools into his collection. After his eldest son inherited the collection, he chose more than 30 works to be exhibited at the Picker Art Gallery at Colgate University in the United States from 3 – 21 March 1975, including the fan leaves by Gui Changshi, Xie Shichen and Qi Zhijia which are presented in this section.Sotheby's Hong Kong is honoured to have been entrusted with the sale of this prestigious collection part 2, and we are excited for collectors to discover works that have been out of the public eye for decades.----------------------------------------------承去年佳績,今場很榮幸再承蒙家族委託,呈獻郭彝民藏明清扇面專輯。郭枻(1883-1974),字彝民,別號則生,以字行吉林長春縣人。郭氏畢業於日本東京帝國大學(The Imperial University),主要為國民政府時期外交官郭氏在藝術事業上不遺餘力,善用人脈廣闊之便,曾代王世杰從日本藏家手中購得《黃州寒食詩帖》。其所藏中國書畫,多購於旅居期間,得自當地著名鑑藏家,如板橋林家、日本澄懷堂等,粹出各家,匯於一堂。其子繼承後,挑選30餘件於1975年3月3至21日在美國柯爾蓋特大學皮克美術館( Picker Art Gallery, Colgate University)展出,包括本輯中歸昌世、謝時臣、祁豸佳扇面,廣蒐博採,秘藏數十載。



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