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Home > Auction >  Fine Chinese Paintings >  Lot.21 WEN ZHENGMING   (attributed to, 1470 – 1559) Landscape Chinese ink and colour on paper, hand scroll painitng signed Zhenming, with frontispiece and five colophons, 27 x 117cm. 文徵明 (傳)   山水 設色紙本 手卷

LOT 21 WEN ZHENGMING   (attributed to, 1470 – 1559) Landscape Chinese ink and colour on paper, hand scroll painitng signed Zhenming, with frontispiece and five colophons, 27 x 117cm. 文徵明 (傳)   山水 設色紙本 手卷

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Chiswick Auctions

Fine Chinese Paintings

Chiswick Auctions




Translation provided by Youdao




WEN ZHENGMING (attributed to, 1470 – 1559) Landscape Chinese ink and colour on paper, hand scroll painitng signed Zhenming, with frontispiece and five colophons, 27 x 117cm. 文徵明 (傳) 山水 設色紙本 手卷 款識:嘉靖巳酉三月徵明寫。鈐印:「文徵明印」「儀周鑒賞」「春湖精舍」 鈐印:「二泉」「陶舫」「适安斋□」「春桂山房」「作籌審定」「張瑋字曰效彬」「張仁黼印」「客心齋鑒藏書畫」 題跋: (文震孟) 題跋:平林雲影蕩波光,灌木層巖薜荔涼。愛賞不嫌歸路遠,更攜余興度漁梁。文震孟 鈐印:「文震孟印」「金氏冬心齋印」 (杜大綬) 題跋:滿目流泉弄水紋,小橋壓破碧山雲。野人不識年華換,壹度花開壹度春。杜大綬 鈐印:「公綬」 (程正揆) 題跋:此卷三十余年患難與共,屢被弗渝若全威之化形也。膠東年友兩峰世兄馳卷至白門,物色之時為好事家持去無以應。後三年復耑使按圖以索,已為豪據百計,講求始獲懷璧益,幾於劫缽矣。噫奇哉天石與予皆七十老人林下相距千有余裏。往復商究古人遺墨,若寢處焉較之江夏坊友,洛社群公僅以清談雅集卒歲,優遊遂傳為古今盛事,何止霄壤耶?余故記之卷末為鶴林增壹佳話。庚戌辛亥之間,青溪揆書 鈐印:「青父」 (閔華) 題跋:新構富清蔭,上覆柏森森,霜堅蒼翠色,風遞笙簧音,君家百年前,舊蔭亦已深,如枝柯百尺,如根抵十尋,懿哉李太君,忠抱勝國心,闔門同勁節上帝應監臨,以此種後嗣,壹壹鹹國琛,掇科膺治閫,出宰沛為霖,劇孟致千乘,季布諾千金,歲序有嬗代,世事多舛沈,及今到孫曾,卓犖翰墨林,詩筆士夫賞,繪畫文貞獻,千里名家駒,逸足行䮮䮮,頃從日下遊,歸自泰山岑,舍舊新是圖,嘉樹巢珍禽,因知偕孟光,讀書香葉陰。兩峰世長兄移居賦此即正。玉井弟閔華拜手 鈐印:「元真」 (譚光祜) 題跋:長安酒肆曾同醉,風雪深時拜草堂。柏子滿尊香葉小,寒天壹鶴自蒼蒼。濃家甲弟移花賣,乞食依肰舊酒人。侍買揚州二分月,與翁同護歲月身。戊午十二月謁。兩峰先生留飲屬題。吹鐵淵者譚光祜 鈐印:「悅目」 引首:山水之間 陸深題 鈐印:「陸氏賞鑒圖畫」「命心閣□」「二泉」 簽條:作者不詳 明 文徵明會稽訪友圖 鈐印:「□□審定」




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Other Lots in this session 56unit
ZHANG ZHAOXIANG   (1874 – 1922) Peonies and Narcissus Flowers Chinese ink and colour on silk, painting mounted within a lacquer screen signed Zhang Zhaoxiang and cylindrically dated Dingmo (1907) 52 x 10cm. 張兆祥   牡丹水仙圖


PU RU (attributed to, 1896 – 1963) Butterflies Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Pu Ru, with two seals of the artist 63 x 31cm. 溥儒(傳)   蝴蝶 設色紙本   立軸 款識:深苑梨花月,空庭竹葉秋。何來雙蛺蝶,栩栩此淹留。 鈐印:「心畬」「溥儒之印」

LOT 10

YU FEI’AN   (1888 – 1959) Magnolia Flowers Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Fei’an, with three seals 91 x 43cm. 於非闇   花鳥圖 設色紙本   立軸 <一>

LOT 11

BIAN SHOUMIN   (attributed to, 1684 – 1752) Geese and Sea Creatures Chinese ink on paper, album of paintings, blue silk box signed Bian Shoumin, dated Qianlong guihai (1743), with twelve seals of the artist and nine collectors’ seals 36 x 26cm.

LOT 12

WU HUFAN   (1894 – 1968) Landscape Chinese ink and colour on paper, fan leaf painting 52 x 17cm 吳湖帆   山水圖 設色紙本   扇面 款識:吳湖帆 鈐印:「倩庵」

LOT 13

WEN BOREN         (follower of, 1502 – 1575) Landscape Chinese ink on paper, album leaf painting 26 x 31.5cm. Provenance: Collection of Brian Morgan (1930 – 2018), formally a director of Bluetts. 文伯仁(傳)   山水

LOT 14

SHEN ZHOU   (1427 – 1509) Landscape Chinese ink on paper, framed painting 56 x 71cm. Provenance: Gulbenkian Durham museum [label]. The Gulbenkian Museum is an important collection of Chinese art within the UK. Museum records confirm that the

LOT 15

HUANG BINHONG   (1865 – 1955) Landscape Chinese ink on paper, hanging scroll painting 67 x 29cm. 黃賓虹   山水 水墨紙本   立軸 款識:漫言无佛 自称尊天上星辰 手可扪下界龙蛇 窥未蛰 故园松鞠喜犹存 御风列子论今古 缩地仙翁忘晓昏 十载相思千星月 飞云南朔淡留痕。  南归一首 用余空我词兄见赠元韵 声远先生方家属粲  八十五叟宾虹 鈐印:「黃賓虹」

LOT 16

SONG WENZHI   (1919 – 1999) Watery Landscape Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Wenzhi, with three seals of the artist 44 x 70cm. 宋文治   山水圖 設色紙本   立軸 款識:蜀江曉行圖 乙醜金秋於北京 婁江文治寫 鈐印:「文治」「宋灝之印」「八十年代」

LOT 17

FENG SIZUO Landscape Chinese ink on paper, framed painting 133 x 49cm. 馮斯佐   山水 水墨紙本   玻璃鏡框 款識:樵□ 盤天世路□ 冷人誰把熱腸看 嶺□ 笑道無冰雪 五月披裘徹骨寒 嶺南廣州無雪少耳飛

LOT 18

JIANG ESHI   (1913 – 1972) Landscape ink on paper, hanging scroll signed Qingshuang, dated Yiwei (1955) 87.5 x 38cm. Provenance: Singaporean Private Collection formed in London in the 1970s and 1980s. 蔣諤士   山水圖 水墨紙本

LOT 19

ZHAO YUNHE   (1874 – 1955) Flowers Chinese ink and colour on paper, four hanging scroll paintings 151 x 41cm. (4) 趙雲壑   花卉圖 設色紙本   立軸四幅 <一>  款識:湘娥冤魂啼枯竹 湘濤漬渙頗黎綠


QIAN DU    (attributed to, 1764 – 1844) Landscape Chinese ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Qian Du, with one seal of the artist 106 x 33cm. Provenance: London private collection. 錢杜(傳)   山水 設色紙本

LOT 20

GAO QIPEI   (follower of, 1660 – 1734) Landscape Chinese ink on paper, hanging scroll painting signed Qieyuan, with several seals 104.5 x 31.5cm. Provenance: London private collection. 高其佩(傳)   且園 水墨紙本   立軸


QIU YING   (follower of, 1494 – 1552) Landscape Chinese ink and colour on silk, hand scroll painting signed Qiu Ying, frontispiece and colophon 110 x 35cm; 697 x 34.5cm; total length 132 x 35cm. 仇英(傳)   清明上河圖

LOT 22

ZHAO MENGFU   (follower of, 1254 – 1322) Figurative Landscape Chinese ink and colour on silk, hand scroll painting signed Zi’ang dated yuan dade er nian (1298), with frontispiece and six colophons 258 x 31cm. 赵孟頫(傳)

LOT 23

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