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LOT 0660 Chinese Calligraphy Couplet by Zeng Guofan

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Oakridge Auction Gallery

春季重要中国古董·书画拍卖 ——— 中國書畫

Oakridge Auction Gallery




Translation provided by Youdao



A Chinese 14-character calligraphy couplet in ink on paper by Zeng Guofan. The calligraphy has a signature and two seals, and each calligraphy is mounted on a silk backing with silk dowels. Dimensions are: 58 inches tall X 14 3/4 inches wide, 147.3 cm X 37.5 cm. All measurements are approximate. Condition: There is staining and spotting present, as well as multiple areas of damage and repair. There is loss to the corner of one of the pair. A reminder that all lots are sold as-is. We have sought to record the changes in the condition of this piece after its initial manufacture as diligently as possible; however, as stated in our terms, condition reports are statements of opinion and not representations or warranties. Oakridge Auction Gallery bears no responsibility for any error or omission. Provenance: From the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Choi. Mrs. Choi, better known for her pen name "Yan Qing," is a well-known novelist in Taiwan who has published dozens of best-selling romantic novels. Her novels were very popular from the 1960s to the 1990s both in mainland China and Taiwan, and some of the novels have since been made into successful movies and TV series. 釋文:長將靜趣觀天地,自有幽懷契古今 滌生 曾國藩 鈐印:曾國藩印(朱)滌生(白) 曾國藩(1811年11月26日-1872年3月12日),初名子城,字伯涵,號滌生,晚清時期政治家、戰略家、理學家、文學家、書法家,清末漢族地主武裝湘軍的首領。道光進士,曾任內閣學士,道光末年官至侍郎。善於講「道德」說「仁義」,對程朱理學推崇備至。曾國藩的崛起,對清王朝的政治、軍事、文化、經濟等方面都產生了深遠的影響。曾國藩與胡林翼並稱「曾胡」,與李鴻章、左宗棠、張之洞並稱「晚清中興四大名臣」。封一等毅勇侯,謚號「文正」,後世稱「曾文正」。 曾氏詩詞、古文成就亦高,為清代古文殿軍。曾國藩的書法前人多有評述,向榮雲:「文正書法初習柳誠懸,後學趙吳興,晚年書運筆專主拔燈之法,故其書多得雄直之氣。」 這是曾國藩廣受喜愛的名聯。同治五年(1866),曾國藩以「欽差大臣」的身份到靈璧主持平叛。公事之余,他巡視書院,瞻仰乾隆帝的墨寶真跡,觀賞先賢們的詩文字畫,並在學道堂講學,介紹自己處世交友之道,推薦自己修身養性之訣。臨別之際,曾國藩為學道堂手書「斯文正脈」匾額一塊,並題寫兩副對聯:「長將靜趣觀天地;自有幽懷契古今」,「是真讀書,瞞不過天聾地啞;作大學者,撇得開利鎖名韁」。又在堂東,親手栽種一棵皂角樹,以寓「十年樹木,百年樹人」之意。「靜」中見「趣」、「靜」中有「天地」,靜中見大、煮茶讀史,皆人間最樂事。心交聖賢為快樂,行合仁義即成功。 長將:經常有。靜趣:清凈、樂觀的心情。觀天地:王安石:「古人之觀於天地、山川、草木、蟲魚、鳥獸,往入有得,以其求思之深而無不在也。」它的意思是說:只有在對世界萬事萬物的觀察和體驗中,才會有比較深刻的探究與思考,才會「有得」,即會有某種思想觀念的產生。這是古人的養生方法或者道家的修煉之法。自有:自然會有。幽懷:豁達悠遠的胸懷。契古今:契合(符合)古代和現在的人道變化。近年曾國藩的書法作品在書畫市場上也廣受追捧,此聯對仗極為工整,命意亦佳,即藏書積學、讀書習字,可稱其書法成熟期中的精品,是最宜文房之品,也值得廣大藏家收藏保存。 可參閱台灣故宮博物院館藏,編號購書00136900000。北京保利2021年12月秋拍,編號。北京匡時2018年12月秋拍,編號0918。 Notes: High resolution photos can be found here.



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